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On Publishing

Writer: Heidi K. AllenHeidi K. Allen

In my last post a year and a half ago (!) I wrote how my 5 year old helped me send my first query letter to a literary agent in traditional publishing. About how it felt scary because it was like jumping off the high dive into a pool that may or may not have water. Over the next year I researched 275 agents from 137 agencies, narrowing it down to 141 who were match and received individualized queries from me.

Though I got a few manuscript requests (so thrilling!), I was ultimately unable to find an agent (significantly less thrilling!).

So I’ve decided to make my own damn water and publish it myself.

It’s taken a while to wrap my head around it, but I’m ultimately really happy about this. I can earn higher royalties, maintain 100% control of the cover, the story, publication dates, and how much marketing it gets (none of which I control in traditional publishing). So I’ve spent the last few months learning the ropes of indie publishing and have started my own imprint - Inscriptus Press.

It’s overwhelming, and scary, and there’s a lot to learn. It’s also exciting.

I have to say though, I’m also still processing the grief that comes from letting go of a dream I’ve worked hard toward for well over a decade. I mean, is it just ego? I guess so, but who wouldn’t want to be chosen? To rub shoulders with literary idols and be recognized by a beloved industry. To have a chance at the NYT Bestseller List, and prestigious literary awards.

I could wait and try again, change things and re-query. But I also really love the idea of being able to make a living on my writing on my own terms. To have my fate completely in my own hands.⠀⠀⠀

So that’s what I’m going to do. And really, at the end of the day what matters the most is finding readers who love my stories, no matter how they get into their hands. I can’t wait to share mine with you.

Coming soon!


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