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Heidi K. Allen
Dec 4, 20222 min read
On Publishing
In my last post a year and a half ago (!) I wrote how my 5 year old helped me send my first query letter to a literary agent in...

Heidi K. Allen
May 31, 20212 min read
Querying with a Five-Year Old
I've been working on my submission materials for a while, and I promised myself I would submit my first query by the end of last month,...

Heidi K. Allen
May 1, 20212 min read
Soft Elbows
"Granddaughter", she said over the colorful star of our Chinese checkers game. "I need you to do something for me." I looked up with...

Heidi K. Allen
Apr 1, 20211 min read
Manuscript Complete!
It's done. I finally finished my novel. The novel I've been writing on and off for ten years and in earnest for three. The novel I...

Heidi K. Allen
May 14, 20201 min read
Rainbow Powers
"I have rainbow powers!" she exclaims, calling them to her in her little voice as she runs through the house shooting imaginary colors...

Heidi K. Allen
Aug 31, 20191 min read
Bow and Arrow
My child, my little arrow Fly straight, strong, and true As you arc away Loosed and untethered Toward targets of your own You bring your...

Heidi K. Allen
Aug 28, 20192 min read
Fierce Grace
I came upon this phrase a few years ago and it took my breath away - two little words speaking to me on an existential level. At first...

Heidi K. Allen
Jul 22, 20191 min read
The moon revolved quietly, inexorably Slowly covering the sun Forcing its blazing disk into a crescent A predetermined battle of light...

Heidi K. Allen
Jul 7, 20191 min read
The Persistent Sea
Like the sea Quiet and soft or Raging and strong We crash against Their jagged shore The land scoffs at the sea Saying you can’t break me...

Heidi K. Allen
Jun 26, 20195 min read
Writing: It's That Easy And It's That Hard
I recently finished the rough draft of a novel I've worked on for years. More years than I care to admit, actually. Mr. Gaiman said it...
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